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Stephen Parker

Recording Secretary, Organization of Staff Analysts

I became one of the first Staff Analysts when the title was created by the City through broadbanding in 1978. I served provisionally in the title until the first Staff Analyst exam was given and then accepted a permanent Staff Analyst position with the Sanitation Department in 1979.

As activists began holding unionization meetings in the early 1980s, I quickly signed a union card with OSA because of my belief in the importance of having a union representing the members of the new title series. 


During my 45 year career at Sanitation, I served as OSA’s Chapter Chair at the agency and I represented OSA to ensure that members had safe working conditions and that Sanitation complied with the provisions of the OSA and Citywide contracts.


I have been an active OSA member since 1984 and have served you as Recording Secretary since 2010.


Over the past four decades, OSA has obtained many contractual benefits for our members, including excellent, well-funded Welfare Fund benefits, longevity increases, and fair treatment for those on civil service lists. We have seen the union grow from representing 38 workers in the mid-80s to more than 5200 today under a team of experienced, competent union activists.


In addition to my Civil Service and labor work, I have also been an NYPD Auxiliary Police Officer for forty years.


I have been proud to be part of the team led by Chair Bob Croghan for the past four decades. Please vote to re-elect me as Recording Secretary on Bob Croghan's slate so that I can continue to improve working conditions and benefits for you and all OSA members.

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