John Mazzarella
Corresponding Secretary, Organization of Staff Analysts
For most of my adult life, I have been proud to serve the members of various unions. I served as a delegate or alternate delegate for DC37 Local 1549 and SSEU Local 371 from 1971-1979. From 1971-1975 I worked in both the Grievance and Treasurer’s Offices of Local 371. I served as an Executive Board member of SSEU Local 371 and contributed to SSEU Local 371's newspaper, “The Unionist.”
I take special pride in my role helping in the creation and building of the Organization of Staff Analysts. I worked with pride, along with my fellow activists on and off the Bob Croghan slate. I’ve served as an Executive Board member of OSA for many years and have worked in the Organization and Grievance sections of the union.
Among the roles I have been proud to play for the union is as one-half of OSA’s experienced pension and retirement counseling team. Many of you may have benefited from the annual pre-retirement seminar we have presented for the union for many years or from individual pension counseling sessions, free to all members.
As I seek re-election, I ask for your vote for myself and the rest of the Croghan slate so that we may continue to effectively serve the entire membership and protect our union.